Tool Theft


The Rising Problem of Tool Theft

Tool theft is a growing issue for tradespeople, contractors, and businesses. Stolen tools result in significant financial loss, project delays, and frustration. The high resale value of tools makes them a prime target for thieves, often leaving victims with little chance of recovery.


Comprehensive Tool Protection with SelectaDNA and GPS Trackers

SelectaDNA forensic marking and GPS tracking offer a powerful solution to tool theft. SelectaDNA marks your tools with a unique DNA code, making them traceable and easily identifiable. GPS trackers allow for real-time tracking of high-value equipment, helping to quickly locate and recover stolen tools.

SelectaDNA Forensic Marking

Mark Your Tools with SelectaDNA for Traceability

SelectaDNA is a highly effective forensic marking system that protects your tools by making them uniquely identifiable. The invisible DNA solution is applied to your tools, leaving a traceable marker that can be used by police to link recovered equipment back to its owner.

Key Benefits:

  • Deter Tool Theft: Tools marked with SelectaDNA are less appealing to thieves, as they can be easily identified and traced.
  • Aid in Recovery: The unique DNA code helps police identify and return stolen tools to their rightful owners.
  • Easy to Apply: The SelectaDNA solution is simple to apply to tools of all sizes and types.
  • Invisible but Traceable: The DNA marker is invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected with UV light, ensuring your tools remain identifiable without altering their appearance.

GPS Trackers for Real-Time Tool Monitoring

Track and Recover Stolen Tools with GPS Tracking

GPS trackers provide real-time location monitoring of your high-value tools and equipment, enabling you to track their whereabouts at all times. In the event of theft, GPS tracking helps you and law enforcement quickly recover your stolen tools.

Key Benefits:

  • Real-Time Location: Always know where your tools are with GPS trackers that provide live location data.
  • Quick Recovery: GPS tracking increases the chances of recovering stolen equipment by providing immediate location updates.
  • Discreet and Compact: GPS trackers can be discreetly installed on or inside your tools, making it difficult for thieves to locate and remove them.
  • Mobile Access: Track your tools using a smartphone app, ensuring that you’re always connected to your equipment, whether on-site or on the go.

Combining SelectaDNA and GPS Trackers for Maximum Protection

Why You Need Both SelectaDNA and GPS Tracking

By combining SelectaDNA forensic marking with GPS tracking, you create a robust security system that not only deters tool theft but also helps with fast recovery if theft occurs. SelectaDNA provides a unique identifier for your tools, while GPS tracking allows you to monitor their location in real-time.

  • Prevent Theft: Thieves are less likely to steal tools marked with SelectaDNA and equipped with GPS tracking.
  • Quick Response: If a theft does happen, GPS trackers allow for immediate action, while SelectaDNA ensures long-term traceability.


Real Results: Tools Recovered Thanks to SelectaDNA and GPS Tracking

“After marking all my tools with SelectaDNA and equipping my most expensive ones with GPS trackers, I had peace of mind. When a few of them were stolen, the GPS tracking allowed the police to recover them in no time.”
James, Electrical Contractor

“Since using SelectaDNA, the number of theft attempts has significantly dropped. On the one occasion tools were stolen, the GPS tracker led us directly to the location, and the police were able to recover everything.”
Sarah, Construction Site Manager


Secure Your Tools with SelectaDNA and GPS Tracking

Don’t wait until your tools are stolen. Protect them today with SelectaDNA forensic marking and GPS tracking. These two layers of security will not only deter theft but also ensure quick recovery if the worst happens.

[Get a Free Tool Protection Consultation]


Trusted by Tradespeople, Contractors, and Police

Display testimonials from tradespeople, contractors, and police who have successfully recovered tools thanks to SelectaDNA and GPS tracking. Include logos of trusted partners and authorities endorsing the use of these technologies.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How does SelectaDNA deter tool theft?
A1: Tools marked with SelectaDNA are less appealing to thieves because the unique DNA code makes them easily traceable, discouraging resale and theft.

Q2: How does GPS tracking help recover stolen tools?
A2: GPS trackers provide real-time location data, allowing you or the police to track and recover stolen tools quickly.

Q3: Are the SelectaDNA solution and GPS trackers easy to apply?
A3: Yes, both the SelectaDNA solution and GPS trackers are easy to apply to tools of all shapes and sizes, providing instant protection.